
Interview with Joeri Bruyninckx in Psychedelic Baby Magazine

Interview with Eli Zeger for VAN Magazine

Interview with Ameel Brecht for KRAAK


“… an intriguing, unorthodox improviser unlike most of her contemporaries.” - Ian Forsythe, link to Dusted Magazine

“Liz Durette, a Rhodes player from Baltimore, is the musician who today most embodies the bold possibility of the instrument. She plays solo, and her recent album Four Improvisations is lovely, devoid of anything other than pure worship of what the instrument can do.” -Matthew Schnipper, link to Pitchfork

“Not necessarily the best thing to play on a long drive” -Byron Coley, link to The Wire

“. . . listening to Durette feels like watching an unending spool unravel; her music feels prolific not because it’s concerned so much with making a concise, universal statement, but because it turns over each stone in its way and defines each surface. You get the impression Durette is continually composing, always reconfiguring an endless stream. And Durette’s tender mindfulness to the keyboard’s touch-sensitivity has become a fluid backbone to her pieces; the pressure applied to keys and the flux dynamics behind the notes feel like another composition within itself, superimposed over the tones.” -Ian Forsythe, link to Boston Hassle